Muñecas de Cartón Opening Reception
Join Self Help Graphics and Ni Santas for the Opening Reception of Muñecas de Cartón!
Muñecas de Cartón is a six-year survey of the artists' collective Ni Santas' collaborative artistic practice drawing from their founding in 2016 to 2022. Inspired by the feminist artist Rotmi Enciso, Ni Santas is an autonomous all Women of Color collective whose mission is to create socially conscious visual narratives and promote sisterhood through skill sharing.
Muñecas de Cartón presents the intentional, yet spontaneous, joint effort between women artists to create, be heard, and be seen. The title is derived from the collective's extensive use of cardboard as their medium and the ephemeral context in which the work was created–– site and event specific. The exhibition features installations, prints, flyers, photos, and protest signs made by the different members throughout its six years, demonstrating the collective's bluntness, activist ideology, and passion for elevating women's voices. They are Ni Santas, Ni Putas, Solo Mujeres--- Rotmi Enciso.
For more info and to RSVP please go to eventbrite